These resources are people, places, education, etc that I have referred to my clients since I started my career in 2003. Since you are part of my online family, know that I will not recommend anything that I do not highly value. Many of these are free to you, some are paid. Some are affiliates, which means I will get paid a teeny tiny commission if you purchase something from the link.
* I am writing several books right now and would love some beta readers. Shoot me an email if you love Christian help books that are not long and love to give constructive feedback.
Book Recommendations
My Christian Counseling Companion. This is for the woman who is in counseling. I created this for my clients, but thought I would share it with all. This is a super helpful extra support that keeps your homework and thoughts all in one place. It offers reflection questions, a feelings wheel, and easy teachings on 10 spiritual disciplines. More counseling companion books are in the works!
Women of the Bible This has been a BEST SELLER! Sometimes we need the wisdom of women before us to whisper in our ear. This book was written as not just a study guide, but also a self-reflection tool and action plan. An easy read with a big heart. Purchase at Walmart, Barnes and Noble, Books-a Million, Target, and Amazon.
Jesus Calling My go-to devotional. Written as Jesus talking to us backed up with Scripture. You can get a hard copy or add it to your Kindle device. I have it in both forms. There's one for your child too! (Yes, my daughter has one). LOVE this.
Switch on Your Brain by Dr. Caroline Leaf. This book explains the science of how your brain can heal from toxic thought patterns. While she is a Christian, her approach is not inner-healing-based. But what I love is that when you allow God to heal lie-based thinking, her book explains how it changes the construct of your brain.
The Intercessors Fiction based on truth. These books are SO good I cannot put them down. These are geared towards teenagers, but adults love them too! Are you looking for an alternative to Harry Potter? These are it! By the way, this author has written books for children and tweens, too. Start with book 1.
Communion with God Ministries. This is how I learned the nitty-gritty of how to hear God when I pray. This site has educational resources as well as a ton of free stuff to get you going. I LOVE this ministry!
Christian Co-Dependency Recovery Workbook This is an in depth workbook for the person that is co-dependent. I have used this is groups and suggested this book many times over the last several years.
Emotionally Destructive Marriage by Leslie Vernick. If you feel your marriage is toxic, manipulative, or not sure, this book is one I highly recommend. There is a long quiz that can help you determine if your marriage has some growing pains or if it is truly destructive.
The Crowning Jewels Spirit-filled jewelry for the Christian woman. I love what this company does. You order a piece of jewelry. They pray for you, listen for God to highlight a word from their stamped pendants, they write a special message for you, and then send you your jewelry and written message. I love mine! This would be great for gifts, too!
The owner, Seneca, is a strong Christian and is very helpful. I mention this because I was not quite sure when I looked at her website. Her clients come from all faiths, so she keeps that in mind in her marketing. I have met Seneca and feel she has been very helpful, not just to me, but also to my clients.
Artza: Want to experience a taste of the Holy Land while supporting artisans and small businesses? Artza is Christian-Jewish organization that partners with small businesses all over Israel. When you sign up for a box, you will receive a special selection of several artisan items. This supports families that are now trying to survive in their war. While Israel is usually a high touristy area, all that has stopped. I will be making unboxing videos soon.
Get 20% off your Artza boxes with my discount code: KHERMAN
Deliverance Ministry: Dr. David Appleby and his team do a great job of offering a full deliverance that is professional, not scary (no yelling), and thorough. I have been through it myself and found it to be a great partnership to the work I do. Tell them I sent you.
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