Kimberlee Herman, MSW
- 5 min
Is it New Truth or Deception?
Ella (name changed to protect confidentiality), a sweet and vibrant client, has been fascinated with people that have died, went to...
Kimberlee Herman, MSW, LCPC
- 4 min
7 Tips to Keep Your Healing
You did it! You finished your inner healing session and you experienced FREEDOM! No shackles to those heavy lies that were distracting. ...
Kimberlee Herman, MSW
- 4 min
Your Secret Weapon Against Judging
Isn't that one of the worst feelings? Walking by a few people and they start whispering and giggling. I'm thinking....Oh jeez, do I have...
Kimberlee Herman, MSW
- 5 min
Transformed with Transformational Prayer
Do you know the feeling of carrying a heavy purse or bag of groceries? Now imagine carrying that load all day long. Never putting them...
Kimberlee Herman, MSW
- 4 min
The Day My Counseling Techniques Shattered
Over twenty years ago my counseling techniques were shattered. Let me fill you in...I was sitting at work super excited to meet my...
Kimberlee Herman, MSW
- 4 min
Top 10 Questions To Ask A Spirit-led Counselor BEFORE You Meet. Part I (of 2)
So, you are ready to start your search. Yay! *happy dance* As you start googling and asking around, keep these questions handy. They are...